Wednesday 24 August 2016

Welcome Home

I went to see the sheriff today. Course it amused him some to see me wearing Miss JJ’s frock.
‘Valance, is that you?’

‘No, it’s your fairy godmother. Yup, it’s me. Howdy Sheriff.’


‘Why what? The frock? Well, being as it’s a year now since you asked me to leave, and being as we ain’t seen each other from that day till this, how else am I gonna find out if it’s safe for me to come back? A girl can’t wait forever, you know.’

When he’d done smiling the sheriff told me last year’s troubles were long gone. ‘Those that ain’t in the cemetery are breaking rocks in the state pen. There’s only Bones Mallory left and he’s no trouble at all, never comes into town these days. You could have come home months ago. I’ve been out to your place a few times, looking for you.’

‘Did you see Housty?’

‘No, I heard she took off not long after you left. Sorry. Where’ve you been, anyhow?’

‘Just about everywhere, I guess.’

‘Well, I’m pleased to see you again. I never did thank you for what you did, but I’m thanking you now. Thanks Valance. Welcome home.’

Course I felt mighty proud when the sheriff shook my hand. If it hadn’t been for that damn frock I’d have had a celebratory drink, but I figured I’d better get on home and get out of them woman clothes before some jasper took a shine to me.

Lord, was I glad to get out that frock. Miss JJ can have it back when she returns my shirt and pants. Sooner the better, as it worries me to think of her walking around in my clothes. I didn’t mean to use her as a decoy and it ain’t likely someone could mistake her for me but… well I just hope nothing bad befalls her, or I’ll never forgive myself.


  1. So yer fink I'm gonna give a no good fer knothing ruckass raising cowboy his shirt and pants back after he's stretched ma frock well and truly outta shape, huh? Hmpffff... Me finks not!

  2. Yup, 'cause for all your bluster, you can't help having a heart as big as your mouth.
